Welltrients for Life, Inc. Where Wellness & Nutrients come Together. Do not be Brain Dead be Be Welltrient Smart
Welltrients for Life ®
Professional Grade, Clinical Strength Nutritional Supplements
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 Adrenal MGRx
 Body RLF
 C.A.L.M. MGRx
 Cal Mag Complete
 Cholesterol MGRx
 CoEnZyme B-Complex
 Colon CLNZ
 D.S.A. MGRx
 Digest Aid+ Complete
 E.P.O. Select 1300mg
 EnZyme PWRx Complete
 Flora MGRx
 Green PWRx Capsules
 Immune Sys.PWRx
 Joint MGRx
 Liver DTXr
 Lung CLNz
 Lymph CLNz
 Mag Plus
 Mito Cardia CVS
 Neuro GFRx
 Nite MGRx
 Prostate MGRx
 Sinus RLF
 Systemic EnZymes
 Thyroid MGRx
 Triple Strength Anti-Oxidant
 Uri.Sys. Ass't
 Vegan Protein Complete
 Vision PWRx
 Vita One®
 Welltrient Whey
Welltrients®   Where Wellness & Nutrients come together.
     These Welltrient® foods and supplements are the highest quality nutritional formulas available, following globally diverse and time honored herbal traditions, while incorporating the latest scientific and nutritional research. Welltrients® are superior in strength, effectiveness and synergy. These are better then the common consumer grade type products generally available to the public. The Welltrients® products are designed for both the astute health conscious individual and the professional health care practitioner. This coordinated group of multi-welltrient products have a special emphasis on nutrient effectiveness and symbiotic relationships. Individual Welltrient® redundancy is avoided, maintaining cost effectiveness and encouraging regime compliance.
Lymph CLNz #61510 510
Lymph CLNz    [Lymph CLNz]  
  Professional Grade
Clinical Strength 
Nutritional Supplements

    Professional Grade, Clinical Strength Lymph CLNz is a cleanser created with broad beneficial potential to cleanse and tonify the lymph system.

A Synergistic Combination with  
    Colon CLNz massively compliments Lymph CLNz to help prevent auto-detoxification and facilitate safe and thorough elimination. †††

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Lymphatic System
    In our body the Lymphatic System is a sub system of the “Immune System”. In our body the Lymphatic System includes a network of capillaries that transport the lymph through a series of nodes throughout the body (primarily in the neck, groin, and armpits) that collect the lymph and 3 organs, namely the tonsils, Spleen, and thymus gland, which produce white blood cells (called lymphocytes), vital to the immune system.
Lymph Fluid 
    In our body's Lymphatic System, Lymph (Lymph Fluid) is the interstitial fluid, derived from blood plasma, that has entered a Lymph Capillary.
Lymph Fluid Composition
In our body the biochemical make up of Lymph, the Lymph fluids found in the lymphatic vessels, varies with the site of origin. The Lymph from bone marrow, spleen, and thymus have high concentrations of white blood cells for fighting infection. The Lymph from intestines is high in fat that has been absorbed during digestion. Damage to the Lymphatic and Circulatory systems leaves the body more susceptible to sickness and infection, as well as to serious conditions such as cancer.
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent a disease, but rather are dietary supplements intended solely for nutritional support.

Welltrients for Life, Inc.® or (702)-940-9693      
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